Hmm already slacking on the blogging front, however I do have a really good excuse - my internet conked out! Or rather my internet keeps conking out and going back on again or maybe not as it feels like it at any particular time... My new router arrived from BT on Thursday but I haven't had time to put it on yet so fingers crossed...
In other news...
Tesco vouchers, we are finally getting a few more after a very shaky start, not enough to get anything good but hey at least we tried! Only a week or so left of them being given out now so we shall see how many we get altogether, hopefully enough to get something nice for the munchkins to pay with.
The boys went to an art exhibition in the week. I'd like to see them trying to reproduce some of the art they've seen but usually get whined at if I ask for them to do stuff like that so we'll see... They took a few pics of the stuff so when I upload them I'll see if anything is suitable for the blog. There was also a park there and they spent a very happy few hours on a brilliant zip line. So, PT and art both covered in a day of having fun.
Our Rex rabbit (Ruby) had babies last week too (on the 27th for future reference) , they looked like tiny naked mice when they were born, very cute! I cannot believe how quickly they grow though, they must have doubled in size already! Its going to be so hard to let them go when they're old enough but we already have tons of rabbits so I cannot keep any more!

With the forthcoming election the candidates and their supporters are out in force and on a recent trip to Sidmouth we were accosted on more than one occasion by people trying to thrust leaflets into our hands resulting in Jack,Max and I having a discussion about politics and elections. One such person was the local candidate for the Green Party. A few days ago I read something about the GP and what they want to do with regards to monitoring home educators so I made the most of a perfect opportunity and asked her why the GP want to regulate HEors more than they already do. Her answers were pretty much the same as the ones from the bill which has just been amended, everything she answered I had a counter argument for but as per usual for people who think they have all the answers she had a counter argument for my counter arguments, lol! Anyway, just after we saw her the boys and I went to have lunch and lunch time conversation turned to politics. I asked the boys if they would vote for her based on her answers to our questions. Jack said no and Max said yes (definitely not sheep then, lol!). I asked Jack why not and he replied:
"Because she didn't answer a single one of your questions mum, she just cleverly changed the subject every time or turned it back onto you"
You know what? He was dead right!
I have a tiny baby coming in soon so needed a proper pram, (ok so I have the bugaboo but I'm a bit of a pramaholic and any excuse etc, lol!) I was lucky enough to win a really nice silver cross pram on ebay so yesterday the boys and I all jumped on
the bus buses to go to Newton Abbot to pick it up. It took hours to get there but only cost £14.50 making the £400 pram a bargain for only £60 + bus fares. I love ebay! (although readily admit to having been stitched up more than once by unscrupulous gits on there!). We decided to make a day of it and has a days shopping in Newton Abbot and Exeter. I spent far too much money but came home with 2 very happy kids and a lot of new things for me! I'm not really a materialistic sort of a girl but now and then it's nice to get a treat or two! My latest 'toy' is a DSi. I'd sold mine to Max when he wanted a DS but sort of missed it so when I saw them cheaper than normal in WHS yesterday jumped at the chance to get a new one. I'm already enjoying the photo editor on there!
I also finally bough Just Dance! for the Wii. Been meaning to get it for ages but always forget when we're out in shopping areas as the noise and rush of people drives me batty! Jack, Max and I played it for a while last night and it is so funny! Goodness knows what anybody would have thought who looked through the window though! I think it will be good exercise too because I was exhausted after half an hour or so!
The boys music lessons went well this week. I don't know how he does it but Jack played guitar beautifully even though he hasn't practised for more than half an hour all week! Max is really getting on well with the keyboards too, I'm thinking about buying a digital piano as I have been told it's a pain to relearn the reach if you learn on a smaller scale instrument. Luckily our music teacher has a friend who is selling one...