That's the way the internet has been for the last few days! On one minute and gone the next - wonder if it will stay on long enough to write this post...
Working backwards...
This morning we have been up to our allotment. It's looking slightly better this year than it did same time last year. This morning we planted the runner beans and and courgettes we have been hardening off in the cold frame. Hopefully we'll get a sprinkling of rain soon just to settle them in. So far we have: Runner beans, Courgettes, Red Onions, 3 varieties of carrots, chives and so much more to do, best get our fingers out!! I have cauli seedlings hardening off now, they don't look anything like I thought they would. We grew too many bean plants so are going to put some in the back garden enabling the LOs to see how they grow.
Yesterday Mum came up for a visit and very kindly did a 'tip run' for me allowing me to get a lot of the rubbish from the boys' new furniture (boxes etc) out of the garden. Now the spring is here it's good to be able to get the little ones out in the fresh air so all important to have a nice, clean, tidy and safe garden. Jack and I moved the shed to another part of the garden having the effect of opening up quite large space that can be used when it's wet (ie it's paved/gravelled not grassed/muddy). Max and Mum watched and kept the dog out of the way...
I finished reading The Time Travellers Wife. It predictably jumped about a bit which was hard to get into at first but once into it I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I can see it on film, wonder what I'll think of it.
On the subject of film, I notice Avatar comes out tomorrow, we never did get around to seeing it at the cinema so providing the internet lasts long enough I'm going to check how much it is on blue ray and think about pre ordering.
New router due on Thursday so if I don't 'see' you before, I'll see you then! ;)
Ellie's Treasures is moving ...
7 years ago
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